Monday, January 17, 2011

21 Days of Prayer - John 8 - Double Standards

Double standards. We are all guilty of having them at times. Here’s how it works. If you do something I don’t like, it is wrong. But if I do that same thing, there is an acceptable reason. Wrong for you. Okay for me. Double standard.

Take driving for instance. If I happen to be in a hurry and find myself making some bad decisions behind the wheel, it is acceptable in my mind. After all, doesn’t everyone know that I’ve got to get somewhere? But when the guy in front of me drives like that, it is a cause for me to have stress and frustrated words. Who does he think he is? Double standard.

That is exactly what Jesus confronts in John chapter 8. Take a moment and read this chapter today. The first encounter in this passage is a familiar one to many. A woman caught in sin is brought to Jesus. The leaders ask Him what He thinks should be done with her. It is a trick question. They don’t like her. They don’t like Him. She should be punished. Jesus is in a tough spot.

It would be right for Him to encourage them to punish her. But Jesus doesn’t just take the easy way out. Instead, He responds with supernatural wisdom and sees right through their double standard. “When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ‘If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her’ (John 8:7).”Instead of just doing the proper thing, Jesus did the right thing. He showed mercy.

As you pray today, ask the Holy Spirit to help you give mercy to others. Who needs to experience a little extra grace from you today? How can God’s love be seen in you as you treat others the way you would want to be treated? God has expressed undeserved kindness to us. Let’s share that love generously today.

Thankful for God’s grace!

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