Thursday, January 13, 2011

21 Days of Prayer - John 4 - Don't Miss It!

It was snowing and the roads were pretty slippery. My mind was racing as I processed the events of the day. I was thinking about what had happened. I was trying to sort out what was ahead. It was one of those times when you are so consumed with what you are thinking and forget what you should be doing. As a result, I drove right by my street. I was aiming for home, but I missed it because of how busy I was.

As we are going through these 21 Days of Prayer, our theme is It’s All About Jesus. Together, we are reading through the Gospel of John. Take a moment now to read chapter 4.

What I love about this story is that Jesus didn’t allow Himself to be so consumed with the world around Him that He missed the divine appointments ahead of Him. Take the story of His chance meeting with the Samaritan woman. In that culture, there was no reason for the two of them to have a conversation. In fact, some would even say it was inappropriate. But Jesus saw that it was invaluable. He took the risk and the time to share with her that there was more to life than what she was living. As He was led of the Spirit, He pointed her to the living water.

And then there is me. Not only do I drive by my own street, but sometimes I’m so driven that I miss the opportunities God places in front of me. I value times like these 21 Days to re-align myself with what really matters. Am I taking time to hear from God? Do I allow His Word to be the guide for my life? Can I truly say that it is all about Jesus?

Slow down today. Look for that encounter that might be life-changing. Allow God’s Spirit to direct you to the right individual or to say the inspired words that could make all the difference.

Praying for you!


Unknown said...

This is very good. Slow down and see what is happening around you. May God give us boldness to step out in faith and speak when we see those opportunities. Help me Lord!

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