Saturday, January 29, 2011

21 Days of Prayer - John 20 - I Can't Believe It!

Have you ever had one of those moments where you find yourself in awe? Your mouth hangs open as your jaw hits the floor. You rub your eyes wondering if what you see is real. You try to understand it, but the moment is overwhelming. Maybe it is a scenic view. Possibly it is a piece of art or architecture. For you it might be music. It could be a moment, like the birth of a child. Whatever it is, there are times when the normal routine is interrupted by the extraordinary and we are left speechless. Our typical response? I can’t believe it!

When I read John 20, I recognized several of those moments. The resurrection of Jesus was so outside of the realm of what was expected that it left even His closest friends scrambling. The tomb should not have been empty. The disciples should not have expected to see Him again. Thomas was pretty sure that the rest of the crew was crazy. And yet, Jesus was alive and He had done the unexpected, believe it or not.

I was reminded once again that Jesus specializes in the unbelievable. God loves to surprise us with the unexpected. He knows how to direct our steps in ways that leave us scratching our heads. He understands how to put the puzzle of our lives together in such a way that the big picture is a beautiful thing. Jesus even specializes in bringing the things that were dead back to life again.

I challenge you to open your heart today to see the amazing in God’s hand in your life. Remember that He is at work, even in unbelievable situations. And what should you do? Just believe. Remember what John 20:31 tells us and live life watching for the unexpected.

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