Sunday, January 30, 2011

21 Days of Prayer - John 21 - All About Jesus

I have always found the last verse of the book John to be fascinating. It reads, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written (John 21:25).” What an interesting statement.

Our theme for these 21 Days of Prayer has been “It’s All About Jesus.” That is what John’s book is about and, according to him, his gospel barely scratched the surface. There has never been a more interesting or important life in the history of the world than that of Jesus. No other individual has influenced society, culture or history more than Him. There is no end to what we can say about Him. He is Jesus.

And yet, oftentimes, we can relegate Him to being just another person in history. We forget that no one ever was like Him and no one will ever be. He was the perfect man and is the son of God. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the one and only. He is Jesus, and life is all about Him.

Today, as we conclude our 21 Days of Prayer together, evaluate who Jesus is in your life. Choose to commit your life to Him in a way like never before. If there are things that you need to change, be willing to take the first step towards that change. If there are places in your life where you need to trust Him more, take the leap of faith. Hold nothing back. Give Him your life and watch what He can do through someone fully committed to Him. Decide today that the story of life change because of Jesus will be told through your life in a powerful way.

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