Tuesday, January 25, 2011

21 Days of Prayer - John 16 - Treasure

Have you ever watched The Antiques Roadshow? It is a television program where people attempt to find the value of antiques that they have in their possession. They may have inherited the item or found it at a garage sale. It could be artwork, vases or jewelry. The idea is that people have something of great value, and they often don’t know it.

I always enjoy the part of the show when the expert finally tells the individual the estimated value of the item. Sometimes the person has a hunch what it may be worth. Oftentimes, however, the value is a surprise to them. They smile or laugh to know that it has great value. The camera shows us the look of amazement on their faces when they come to the realization that they have a treasure in their possession.

As you read John chapter 16 today, I hope that you will recognize the same thing. You have something of great value, and you may not even know it. In this chapter, you will read Jesus’ teaching to His disciples shortly before His death. As He affirms and warns them, He ends with a promise of great value. Verse 33 reads, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

That is good news. We can have a tendency to let the troubles around us get us down. We can feel discouraged or even defeated. But Jesus wanted us to know that even when the world around us is going crazy, we can have peace. Don’t get discouraged. No matter what it is that comes up against us, Jesus has overcome it!

So don’t live your life forgetting that there is great value in this promise. Jesus is with you through the good and the bad. You can find peace when everything around you is chaos. It comes from Jesus living in us. And that is a treasure that will never lose its worth.

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