Wednesday, January 26, 2011

21 Days of Prayer - John 17 - Can't We Just Get Along

Outside of my relationship with God through Jesus Christ, the greatest blessing in my life is my family. I was privileged to have two incredible parents who not only loved me, but loved God deeply. My wife is a gift of grace in my life beyond what I deserve. And Rhonda and I have three awesome children. Each one of them is such a unique blend of our personalities and appearances. They are everything that a dad could hope for in his family. I could never have understood how much a father loves his children until I experienced it for myself. I love my kids! But, sometimes…

Sometimes my perfect children, who I love, get angry with one another and act out in aggression toward their sibling in some unacceptable way. Sometimes they fight. Now, I know that it is normal for siblings to argue from time to time. But it always bothers me. I get frustrated when they fight. There are times when the disagreement is understandable, but it still bugs me. I want them to get along and live in peace. I want them to see the gift of friendship they could have in one another. I want them to sense the deep love I have for them, and then live that kind of love out. I hate it when they fight.

Today, as you read John 17, keep that in mind. God, your Heavenly Father, loves you. But He loves your neighbor, too, even when he doesn’t shovel his sidewalk. And your spouse, with all of their unique idiosyncrasies. And the guy at work who can be so annoying. And the obnoxious kid who sits behind you at school. And your mother-in-law. And the list goes on and on. He loves us, so He wants us to get along.

That unified expression of love is at the heart of Jesus prayer in this chapter. He prayed, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me (John 17:21).” He wanted us to be one. To be unified. To stop fighting and get along. If that was Jesus prayer, then maybe it is time for you and me to be the answer to it.

I love to think about what may happen if we did. Jesus said that through our unity the world could see who He was. At school, work, church, community and home, let’s show them today as we live in love with one another. Just think how happy it will make God for His kids to get along.