Sunday, April 17, 2011
Romans Road
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My Proverbs Story
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Proverbs: In Search Of Wisdom
Here is my request. Why don’t you start each day with a chapter in Proverbs? There are 31 chapters and 31 days in March, so it makes it easy to know what to read. On March 2, read Proverbs chapter 2. As you read, askl the Holy Spirit to bring one verse to your attention. You may be struck by more than one, but make sure that there is one that you are going to expectantly take to heart. You may want to write that verse down somewhere that you will remember it throughout the day. Maybe you will make it your Facebook status or Twitter post. Just find a way to do more than read it. Meditate on it. Marinade in it. Soak that wisdom in.
Throughout the day, ask yourself how that Proverb applies to your situation. What is it that you are praying for? How will your day be different because you are going to live out that scripture? Trust God’s Spirit to guide you. Remember that Jesus came as wisdom incarnate. He not only can forgive your sins, but He can guide you in living this day for His purpose and glory.
One of my favorite passages is Proverbs 2:6-11. I frequently come back to this scripture in times of important decisions. Solomon writes, “For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy. Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe.”
Let’s search for wisdom together. Who knows what we might find!
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Man In The Arena
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
(Excerpt from the speech "Citizenship In A Republic", delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 21 - All About Jesus
Our theme for these 21 Days of Prayer has been “It’s All About Jesus.” That is what John’s book is about and, according to him, his gospel barely scratched the surface. There has never been a more interesting or important life in the history of the world than that of Jesus. No other individual has influenced society, culture or history more than Him. There is no end to what we can say about Him. He is Jesus.
And yet, oftentimes, we can relegate Him to being just another person in history. We forget that no one ever was like Him and no one will ever be. He was the perfect man and is the son of God. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the one and only. He is Jesus, and life is all about Him.
Today, as we conclude our 21 Days of Prayer together, evaluate who Jesus is in your life. Choose to commit your life to Him in a way like never before. If there are things that you need to change, be willing to take the first step towards that change. If there are places in your life where you need to trust Him more, take the leap of faith. Hold nothing back. Give Him your life and watch what He can do through someone fully committed to Him. Decide today that the story of life change because of Jesus will be told through your life in a powerful way.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 20 - I Can't Believe It!
When I read John 20, I recognized several of those moments. The resurrection of Jesus was so outside of the realm of what was expected that it left even His closest friends scrambling. The tomb should not have been empty. The disciples should not have expected to see Him again. Thomas was pretty sure that the rest of the crew was crazy. And yet, Jesus was alive and He had done the unexpected, believe it or not.
I was reminded once again that Jesus specializes in the unbelievable. God loves to surprise us with the unexpected. He knows how to direct our steps in ways that leave us scratching our heads. He understands how to put the puzzle of our lives together in such a way that the big picture is a beautiful thing. Jesus even specializes in bringing the things that were dead back to life again.
I challenge you to open your heart today to see the amazing in God’s hand in your life. Remember that He is at work, even in unbelievable situations. And what should you do? Just believe. Remember what John 20:31 tells us and live life watching for the unexpected.
Friday, January 28, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 19 - Remember
Sometimes it is good to stop and remember. As you read John 19 today, take time to stop and remember. Remember where your life was without Jesus. Stop and think about what your life would be like without Him. And consider the incredible sacrifice He made for us on the cross. Contemplate the kind of love that would compel God to die for you and me.
I know it may be a familiar story, but read it again. Consider the emotions and the drama and the pain. Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the difference the cross of Christ has made in your life. And then determine to live out your day thankful for all that He has done.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 18 - Passion
But sometimes, our passion can get the best of us. Take Peter’s story in John 18. When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, Peter acts out with passion. John tells us that he cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant. He was passionately defending the cause. Do you think he was aiming at that guy’s ear? No way! He was going for the dude’s head. He was passionate!
It doesn’t take long in the story, however, to watch his passion go from defending the cause to self-preservation. We find him in this chapter hiding from trouble and even denying that he had ever known Jesus. He has a passionate response of a very different kind.
You and I can are known to do the same things at times. As you read John 18 today, recognize that we are people of passion. We just have to be careful that we point our passions in the right directions. Are you passionate about God’s plan for your life? Or are you more passionate about seeing your own plans come together? Do your passions lead you to defend the cause or deny the Christ?
These are important questions. Take some time today and think about the different areas of your life. School. Work. Home. Church. How do your passions affect the way you live life in each? Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and lead your passions according to His purpose.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 17 - Can't We Just Get Along
Sometimes my perfect children, who I love, get angry with one another and act out in aggression toward their sibling in some unacceptable way. Sometimes they fight. Now, I know that it is normal for siblings to argue from time to time. But it always bothers me. I get frustrated when they fight. There are times when the disagreement is understandable, but it still bugs me. I want them to get along and live in peace. I want them to see the gift of friendship they could have in one another. I want them to sense the deep love I have for them, and then live that kind of love out. I hate it when they fight.
Today, as you read John 17, keep that in mind. God, your Heavenly Father, loves you. But He loves your neighbor, too, even when he doesn’t shovel his sidewalk. And your spouse, with all of their unique idiosyncrasies. And the guy at work who can be so annoying. And the obnoxious kid who sits behind you at school. And your mother-in-law. And the list goes on and on. He loves us, so He wants us to get along.
That unified expression of love is at the heart of Jesus prayer in this chapter. He prayed, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me (John 17:21).” He wanted us to be one. To be unified. To stop fighting and get along. If that was Jesus prayer, then maybe it is time for you and me to be the answer to it.
I love to think about what may happen if we did. Jesus said that through our unity the world could see who He was. At school, work, church, community and home, let’s show them today as we live in love with one another. Just think how happy it will make God for His kids to get along.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 16 - Treasure
I always enjoy the part of the show when the expert finally tells the individual the estimated value of the item. Sometimes the person has a hunch what it may be worth. Oftentimes, however, the value is a surprise to them. They smile or laugh to know that it has great value. The camera shows us the look of amazement on their faces when they come to the realization that they have a treasure in their possession.
As you read John chapter 16 today, I hope that you will recognize the same thing. You have something of great value, and you may not even know it. In this chapter, you will read Jesus’ teaching to His disciples shortly before His death. As He affirms and warns them, He ends with a promise of great value. Verse 33 reads, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
That is good news. We can have a tendency to let the troubles around us get us down. We can feel discouraged or even defeated. But Jesus wanted us to know that even when the world around us is going crazy, we can have peace. Don’t get discouraged. No matter what it is that comes up against us, Jesus has overcome it!
So don’t live your life forgetting that there is great value in this promise. Jesus is with you through the good and the bad. You can find peace when everything around you is chaos. It comes from Jesus living in us. And that is a treasure that will never lose its worth.
Monday, January 24, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 15 - Chosen
It was at a large convention of teenagers from all over Ohio that I understood more clearly. That night, after the preacher preached, I was praying and felt very strongly that God was challenging me to set my life aside to serve Him. There was one verse that stood out in my spirit that night. To this day, it is a reminder to me of God’s hand on our lives. It is John 15:16. It is here that Jesus says, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.”
Isn’t that a great promise? We aren’t smart enough to go after God. He went after us. He chose us. And He has chosen us, His people, to do a work for Him. Not a work that is meaningless. A work that gets results. It produces fruit. And long lasting fruit. And when we come to Him in faith, He gives us whatever we need to do His will.
As I typed that, I got really excited. If you didn’t, read it again. In fact, take the time to read John chapter 15 today. That chapter is packed full of truths that we can build our lives on. And it all points back to this one thing…life is All About Jesus!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 14 - Getting The Job Done
Yesterday, over 85 people came out to help clean up the new building. There were people cleaning the seats and floors in the theaters. There were people moving furniture and cleaning out rooms. There was even a team of men that relocated a screen into one of the theaters to be ready for some upcoming events. That place was buzzing. Calvary’s people are awesome!
One of the important parts of making a work-day like that successful is to have ready the tools and supplies necessary to get the job done. Our team had all the stuff ready for folks as they came in to serve. We had individuals donate supplies, their time and their hard work to make our new home ready for guests. And the job went so much better because we were able to give people exactly what they needed to get the job done.
In John chapter 14, Jesus offers the same thing to us. As you read it, you will notice that He tells us that He will give to us the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is a Counselor. He never leaves us and He leads us into the things that are true. We also understand from scripture that the Holy Spirit gives us power. He equips and enables us to live the victorious Christian life. Jesus has made sure to give us exactly what we need to get the job done. He sent us the Holy Spirit.
If you are struggling today in your own strength, rely on the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. He will give you the wisdom you need. He can strengthen you in the struggle against temptation. The Holy Spirit will even empower you to show those around you the love of Jesus.
Don’t just try it on your own today. Look to the Holy Spirit to empower you as you live for Him.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 13 - Servants
When I think about being a servant, I am reminded of a story about George Washington. Let me pass it along to you. “There was a bleak and cold day in which George Washington stepped out of his headquarters. It was cold so he drew on his great coat, turned up his collar and pulled his hat down to shield his face from the cold, blowing wind. He walked down the road to where the soldiers were fortifying a camp and no one recognized this tall muffled man who was in fact the commander of the army.”
“He came across a group of soldiers who were under the command of a corporal. They were building a breast work of logs and the corporal, all filled with himself as being important and superior, kept on barking orders. ‘Up with it,’ he cried. ‘Now altogether push!’ They were trying desperately to push this final log up on top of the crest. Each time they tried just at the last moment, the thing would fall back. They were exhausted. The corporal would again say, ‘Up with it! What ails you? Up with it!’ The men would tug again and again and the log came crashing down because they weren’t quite strong enough to do it. Finally, the third time when he starts barking at them, Washington himself goes up to them and exerts all his strength to push the log and it falls into place.”
“The exhausted men were about to thank this unknown soldier and at that point he turned to the corporal and said, ‘Why don’t you help your men with the heavy lifting when they need another hand?’ The corporal replied, ‘Don’t you see that I’m a corporal?’ Washington said, ‘Indeed,’ as he opened up his coat and revealed his uniform, ‘I’m the Commander-in Chief. The next time you have a log too heavy for your men to lift, send for me!’”
What strikes me about both the story of George Washington and Jesus’ actions in John 13 is how willing the person of authority is willing to serve. We call it servant leadership. Jesus modeled this for us so beautifully. He not only washed His disciples’ feet, but He also by died for us. He was so sure of His value to the Father that He was confident to serve.
As you go through this day, I dare you to serve. Be willing to bless your family. Surprise your friends. Go out of your way to do something that will impact someone else. Jesus shows us that we can be confident in our serving because of God’s great love for us. We have no need to prove we are the best. We can simply strive to serve the best.
Friday, January 21, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 12 - Dark and Light
I can remember him coming into my room and telling me it was time to get up to catch the bus. He had different ways for getting me up. Sometimes he would just come in a plug my nose. Other times, he would pull one hair out of my head (ouch!) and then stick it up my nose. He would shake me, call my name and sometimes sing little songs. All of these met with my not-so-cheery morning resistance. But one technique was especially effective for getting me out of bed. He would simply come in and turn on the light.
That bright light that hung from the ceiling over my bed was my enemy. Its brilliance brought nightmares to my sweet dreams. It caused me to squint, moan and complain all while trying to seize a few more minutes of sleep. But the truth is that his shenanigans always were successful in getting my day up and running.
Jesus speaks of His teachings as being the same kind of wake up call. In John 12:46 He says, “I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the darkness.” Jesus came to bring light to our darkness. When you and I need to see clearly, the answer lies in Him.
But the truth is, we don’t always like the light. I know that I didn’t the first thing in the morning. And, sometimes, the light of the truth is hard to look at. But today, if you will open yourself up to Him, Jesus will enlighten you to the truth in your life.
Don’t run from the light. If you are in a place of personal darkness today, open up yourself to let Jesus shine in your heart. Take some time to read John 12. Spend a few extra minutes today not just telling God about your struggles, but really listen to what He has to speak to your spirit. As you move through this day, ask Jesus to enlighten you to His will and to give you the strength to live life to the full.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 11 - I'm Dying To Tell You
That’s true for all of us. From the moment we are born we start to die. The clock starts ticking, and, as the Bible tells us, one day we all will face the end of this life. You can do your best to exercise regularly, eat well and take good care of yourself. The bottom line is, however, that at some point, death is going to get the best of us all.
That is why the story in John 11 is so powerful. It is the tale of when Jesus responds to a plea from two sisters to bring healing to their ill brother, Lazarus. Take a break and read John 11 right now. If you are familiar with the story, then you know what happens next. If you are not, I’m excited for you to read it for the first time. It is one of the most memorable stories in the Gospels of Jesus power at work.
Don’t read the story, however, just to get the facts. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you grasp the fact that Jesus has control over sickness and death. Let this account be a reminder to you of His greatness over all things. There is nothing that can stop His power at work in your life when you put your trust in Him.
Did you get that? Go back and read the last sentence of that prior paragraph again. Nothing, not even death, can stop His power. So today, pray with confidence. Don’t let the dreams in your heart die. Instead, put your trust in the one who has power over death and the grave. He loves you more than you can ever know and desires to give you fullness of life.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 10 - Shepherds and Sheep
The last week we were there we had the chance to travel to the more remote parts of the country and see the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. One of the things that fascinated me was all of the sheep. When you got out in the country, they were everywhere.
I remember we stopped along the road to take a picture of the gorgeous landscape. Just behind us was a stone wall which contained a herd of sheep. For some reason, I became determined to touch one of them. I looked around to make sure there was no shepherd, jumped over the wall and made my way towards the sheep.
What happened next was interesting. I wondered if they might charge me or try to defend their territory. They didn’t. I thought that maybe my soothing voice or natural good looks would draw them to me. That didn’t happen either. Instead, they just cautiously and purposefully moved away from me. The closer I got to them, the further they determined to get from me. I wasn’t their shepherd, so they wanted nothing to do with me.
Today we are reading John chapter 10. Why don’t you pause right now to read this chapter, if you haven’t already. Jesus makes a unique comparison between those who follow Him and sheep with their shepherd. “The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice (John 10:3-5)."
That is exactly what happened to me! The sheep ran away from me because they did not know me, I was not their shepherd. Jesus tells us in this chapter that He is the good shepherd and we are His sheep. As His sheep, who are we following? Do we listen to the voice of the shepherd and follow His leading? Or do we allow the other voices of strangers and enemies to lead us away from the care of our loving shepherd. If you want to know how these two choices end up, take a good look at John 10:10.
Don’t let anyone pull the wool over your eyes. That would be baaaaaaaaaaaad. Today, let’s be extra aware of listening to the good shepherd’s voice and following Him where He leads us.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 9 - Turn On The Lights
As I moved along, I sensed that I was probably coming to a corner and needed to turn but couldn’t see exactly where I was going. I found out pretty quickly that I was correct in my assumption when my whole body ran right into the wall in front of me. Reality! As I stumbled through the darkness I was suddenly brought to the realization that I could use the light.
As we continue through our 21 Days of Prayer, we have been reading the Gospel of John together. Today we are in chapter 9 and come to a powerful story of one man moving from darkness into light. Jesus heals the man from physical blindness that he had experienced since birth. As you read through the chapter you will observe the differing way in which the people viewed Jesus. Some were puzzled by Him. Some resisted Him. Some worshipped Him. Different people see Him in different ways.
How do you see Him? What is your view of Jesus? Who do you think He was? Who do you see Him as in your life today? He promises in this chapter that He has come to be the light of the world. Yet, so many of us stumble along in the darkness instead of allowing Him to shine in our lives.
Today, my prayer is that you and I will allow Jesus to bring His light to us. I pray that I will see things the way He sees them. I hope that I will receive His healing in my life, and that you will, too. Set aside some time today to talk with God about allowing the light of Jesus to illuminate the dark hallways of your life.
Monday, January 17, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 8 - Double Standards
Take driving for instance. If I happen to be in a hurry and find myself making some bad decisions behind the wheel, it is acceptable in my mind. After all, doesn’t everyone know that I’ve got to get somewhere? But when the guy in front of me drives like that, it is a cause for me to have stress and frustrated words. Who does he think he is? Double standard.
That is exactly what Jesus confronts in John chapter 8. Take a moment and read this chapter today. The first encounter in this passage is a familiar one to many. A woman caught in sin is brought to Jesus. The leaders ask Him what He thinks should be done with her. It is a trick question. They don’t like her. They don’t like Him. She should be punished. Jesus is in a tough spot.
It would be right for Him to encourage them to punish her. But Jesus doesn’t just take the easy way out. Instead, He responds with supernatural wisdom and sees right through their double standard. “When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ‘If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her’ (John 8:7).”Instead of just doing the proper thing, Jesus did the right thing. He showed mercy.
As you pray today, ask the Holy Spirit to help you give mercy to others. Who needs to experience a little extra grace from you today? How can God’s love be seen in you as you treat others the way you would want to be treated? God has expressed undeserved kindness to us. Let’s share that love generously today.
Thankful for God’s grace!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 7 - Football, Faith and Fighting
Last year I went to the game where the Steelers played the Browns in Cleveland. It was a freezing 11 degrees on a Thursday night in December. We made a memory, but I don’t ever have to do that again. I remember that the Steelers fell apart and suffered a devastating loss to the Browns that night. I was there with a friend who is a devoted Browns fan. As we turned to walk out, he said to me, “Cover up your gear.” What he meant was this, “Now is not a good time to let people know that you are a Steelers fan. They’ll be looking for a fight. It is better off to stay under the radar.” It was good advice.
Isn’t it funny that some things can be that divisive? But as I read chapter 7 of the book of John, I saw that the same thing can be true about Jesus. Take some time to read that chapter right now. You’ll see that Jesus words and very presence had a polarizing effect on people. They were either scoffing Him or worshipping Him. Either they were astounded by His miracles or offended by His teaching. And sometimes, it was both.
It is no different today. When we decide to follow Jesus, we may find that our family doesn’t understand. There may be others who are offended by the stand that we take or the changes in our lives. It may even lead to times of conflict or tension.
Today, pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to live for Jesus, even if it means that you will face conflict or opposition. Decide to live by His standards, no matter what those around you may be doing. Let’s pray that through our commitment to Jesus others will see the life that only He can bring.
Keep praying!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 6 - At The End Of The Day
Take a moment today, maybe right now, to read through the sixth chapter of John. As I read through John chapter six, I noticed several stories about Jesus that were very familiar to me. He feeds the five thousand to show that He can supply all our needs, even when it seems like He has nothing to work with. Jesus walks on the water, proving that the powers of nature are nothing to our supernatural God. Our Lord teaches that, as the bread of life, He satisfies all our desires. But in spite of all of this, at the end of the chapter, many of his disciples desert Him. Interesting stuff.
A few years ago I picked up a practice for when I read scripture devotionally. Before I read, I ask the Holy Spirit to open my eyes to what He wants me to see. And then I look for one verse or thought to hang on to in that passage. Rather than try to immediately apply everything I’ve read, I desire to have the Spirit illuminate one thing that I can walk away with.
As I read John six, the Holy Spirit seemed to point my spirit to John 6:68-69. After all of the stories and miracles and teaching and rejection in this chapter, I was drawn to the words of Peter. He confessed, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God.” After all of the miraculous events and tumultuous times, Peter had captured the truth. Our love for God isn’t about what He does for us. It is founded on who He is to us.
I don’t know what you are facing today. You may be experiencing miracles. You may be tempted with rejecting the voice of God in your life. Either way, here is the truth: Jesus is the Holy One of God. He is the only way, truth and life. He is the one who loves you unconditionally with a plan for your life. And no matter what your life circumstances, at the end of the day, He is the only place in which your hope can be securely placed.
I pray that you will trust Him today with all that you have. Where else would you go? There is no one else like Him in greatness, power or love.
It’s all about Jesus!
Friday, January 14, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 5 - What Are You Waiting For?
What are you waiting for? Is there something that you desire from life, or from God, but it seems to be illusive to you? Are you looking for love? Do you try to earn acceptance? Do you long for freedom or forgiveness? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? What are you waiting for?
Sometimes I think we get the mistaken idea that God is playing some sort of chess match with us. Once we make a move, then He’ll make one. If we can do just the right thing, then maybe His next move will be a blessing to us. The story we read today in John chapter 5, however, enlightens us to the fact that it isn’t meant to work that way.
In John 5 there was an invalid man who sat by a pool waiting for something spiritual to happen. He was frustrated when he could not receive his healing. Jesus told him that he didn’t have to worry about that any more. You see, the one standing in front of him was the Son of God, Himself. If anyone could heal him, it was Jesus. No more magic or timely maneuvers, just believe.
How about you? Is it time for you to stop working for God’s approval or trying to manipulate blessing in your life? Maybe it is time to just believe. The Son of God, Himself is calling to you. He loves you more than you can imagine. Don’t just talk about praying or fasting. Seriously communicate with Him today. Tell Him your need. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings in your heart. And put your trust in Him. He is the one who can heal you today.
It’s All About Jesus!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 4 - Don't Miss It!
As we are going through these 21 Days of Prayer, our theme is It’s All About Jesus. Together, we are reading through the Gospel of John. Take a moment now to read chapter 4.
What I love about this story is that Jesus didn’t allow Himself to be so consumed with the world around Him that He missed the divine appointments ahead of Him. Take the story of His chance meeting with the Samaritan woman. In that culture, there was no reason for the two of them to have a conversation. In fact, some would even say it was inappropriate. But Jesus saw that it was invaluable. He took the risk and the time to share with her that there was more to life than what she was living. As He was led of the Spirit, He pointed her to the living water.
And then there is me. Not only do I drive by my own street, but sometimes I’m so driven that I miss the opportunities God places in front of me. I value times like these 21 Days to re-align myself with what really matters. Am I taking time to hear from God? Do I allow His Word to be the guide for my life? Can I truly say that it is all about Jesus?
Slow down today. Look for that encounter that might be life-changing. Allow God’s Spirit to direct you to the right individual or to say the inspired words that could make all the difference.
Praying for you!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
21 Days - John 3 - Born Again
As we read our way through the Gospel of John, we find ourselves today in chapter 3. It would be good for you to stop right now and read that chapter. This passage has some familiar segments. It is the phrase that Jesus coins in verse 3, however, that is so key to our understanding of faith. Jesus says that “unless you are born again, you can never see the kingdom of God.”
Born again. It is a miracle to be born once. But how is one born again? Take time to read John 3 and remember again the gift of life that Jesus has given to us. He has offered us forgiveness and freedom. He has created a way for us to shed our past and be right with God. He has offered us a new life. Our spirits, and our eternal destiny, can be born again. When was the last time you thanked Him for your salvation? Are you born again?
Maybe you haven’t received that gift. Jesus came to give that new life to you. No matter who you are or what you’ve done, His love reaches to you. If you will choose to live your life for Him today and ask Him for His forgiveness, God’s Word promises that He will hear that prayer.
What about the people in your world? Do they know the love of God that gives us the chance at new life? How can you show that to them today?
As you focus on Jesus today, I hope that your prayer will be two-fold. First, thank God for His salvation and recognize Jesus as Lord of your life. Second, pray for those who need to have the new life that only Jesus can bring. Pray that they will be born again.
God bless!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
21 Days of Prayer - John 2 - Roller Coasters
It is cold outside this January in Toledo. Sometimes it does me well to think about warmer times here. Like the things we do in the summer. Like going to Cedar Point and riding the roller coasters. Amazing place, Cedar Point. The amusement park is known around the world for its amazing thrill rides. I’m always apprehensive when I get on the first one of the day. But it is just a matter of time until I’m back in the groove and enjoying the ups and downs of the experience.
If only we could do the same thing with the ups and downs of life. As we are journeying through these 21 Days of Prayer, we are today reading the second chapter of John. In it, Jesus faces some of the ups and downs of life. He celebrates at a wedding and performs His first miracle. He observes the hypocrite vendors in the temple and responds with righteous anger. Jesus shows that as a man, He experienced the same roller coaster of emotions that you and I sometimes encounter.
The interesting thing is that Jesus always responded appropriately. As He was led by the Spirit, He knew just how to handle each situation. As we seek Him today, let’s strive to do the same. I want to know Him better so that I can be more like Him. That way, whether my life is up or down, I will be able to enjoy the ride.
Take a moment now to read John 2. Let us pray together today that we will be more like Jesus so that others may see Him in us. When they do, they can be introduced to the only one who can change their lives.
Remember that It’s All About Jesus!
Pastor Chad
Monday, January 10, 2011
21 Days - John 1 - Recognizing Him
It happened to me again the other day. I could tell when he approached me that the gentleman knew who I was. But I was in a hurry. I was trying to get one of my children where they needed to be and time was tight. He started to speak to me, and initially, I just gave a polite reply. But then it hit me. I know this guy! It was the father of a friend of mine. I felt embarrassed that I almost ignored him, but relieved that I had made the connection. Isn’t it funny how sometimes we can pass right over the people and things that we really should recognize?
Today we begin our journey together through the Gospel of John. I was struck at how Jesus is introduced to us in the first chapter. John gives us some theological background on who Jesus is in verses 1-18. He does this so we will know who Jesus really is. The rest of the chapter tells the story of how John the Baptist and Jesus’ first disciples recognized who He was. Not unlike my experience, they had to stop and see that this Jesus was no ordinary man.
Verse 10 struck me when I read it. “He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.” Our world is so self-focused that people miss who Jesus is. The truth is, if I’m not careful, I can be so driven and distracted that I forget who He is. I get caught up in my needs and requests that even in prayer I can fail to stop and meet with the one who is the beginning of it all.
Take the next few moments and read John chapter one. Set aside some time to turn your thoughts to Jesus. Make a commitment that these next three weeks will be All About Jesus. Join me in doing all that you can to recognize Him as center of your life.
I am praying for you that this 21 Day journey will be life-changing!