Saturday, December 18, 2010


There is a story in the Old Testament about Jonathan taking on a large group of enemy soldiers. You can read about it in 1 Samuel 14. In the account, Jonathan and his assistant (called an armor-bearer) find victory over the enemy all by themselves. It's a pretty encouraging story to read. It's kind of like Rocky, Braveheart and Hoosiers all rolled into one!

There is a great statement in the story. At one point, Jonathan has to make a decision as to whether he should initiate the attack or not. He knows that God wants them to have victory. But he also knows that they are terribly out-numbered. He looks at his young friend and says, "Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few." What a powerful statement.

Perhaps. Not, "I've got a guarantee." He said perhaps. He didn't have a contract or an e-mail or even a divine handshake. He just had a conviction that God can step in and help His people, even when the situation seems bigger than they are.

I find a lot of encouragement from that story. God is challenging His church to do something that is bigger than we are. He has opened great doors for Calvary ( But He is also giving to the world an unprecedented season of opportunity. Each of us has been created by Him as a masterpiece to fulfill His awesome purpose for our lives (Ephesians 2:10). How can we not step out and trust Him to work in our behalf. Nothing can hinder Him, you know.

I love the quote that reads, "A ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what a ship is for." It's easy to enjoy our blessings and wait for something amazing to happen. It's somethnig totally different to step out, engage the enemy and believe that God will act in response to your faith-filled obedience. But you never know. PERHAPS He has a great victory in store!

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